Troubleshooting Tips for Hosts if Experiencing Feedback Issues

Troubleshooting Tips for Hosts if Experiencing Feedback Issues


At times the microphone will pick up background noise creating an echo, feedback, or poor sound quality within a deposition.

Quick Take: The fastest way to identify a feedback issue is for the Host to take a roll call of every attendee in the deposition as they unmute themselves.

Attendees who are in the same physical room can cause feedback issues, if multiple attendees are in the same physical room only one attendee should be unmuted at a time.


  1. Start by muting all participants in the deposition room individually by selecting the 3 dots “Options' on the attendee's video screen. This opens a drop-down menu; select “Mute Attendee” as shown below:


  2. Once all of the attendees have been muted, call out each name of the participants one at a time and ask them to unmute when they hear their name

    1. Once the user with feedback issues unmutes themselves, you will be able to easily identify who is causing the issue

    2. Be sure that the “Connect to Conference” button (for Dial-in Participants) is disconnected in order to determine that the feedback issue is not caused by the telephonic users

  3. When the audio of the attendee causing the feedback is muted, the problem should stop

  4. Once you have identified the participant experiencing the feedback issue, please see the following link to further resolve the issue: Feedback from the Microphone

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